The film follows a couple (played by Charlotte Handley and Danny Patrick), as they attempt to find a spot to bury their cherished dog, Pete. Much of the short is spent with the couple discussing the past they shared with their pet and where they plan to bury him.
Up until the twist ending, the pair are presented as a typical young couple, mourning a loss. Despite a few scenes of lacklustre line delivery, the lead actors successfully mask the darker side of their characters until it’s time for such a reveal.
The short takes place in a single location which director, Jonathan Hawes makes great use of. The script is dialogue-heavy, with much of the runtime consisting of a conversation between the characters. Hawes and his editor, however, find a great rhythm in these scenes to keep the film flowing towards its ending.
Pete is a dark comedy, one which doesn’t play out the way it is expected to. The initial setup does wonders for the later reveal of a twisted ending which is both darkly comical and enticing; it makes you question all that came before.